This roadmap reflects the hearts and minds of not only the board and administration, 还有教职员工, 工作人员, 学生, 父母, 和校友.


  • 转型之路

在mg冰球突破试玩, we are beholden to an innovative spirit and tradition of excellence that has defined our school for well over a century. We remain undeterred in our collective commitment to educate and inspire tomorrow’s leaders by cultivating creativity and encouraging exploration.

我们也认识到,这些战略, 方法, 合作伙伴关系, and resources needed to not only embrace but advance our mission are ever evolving. This plan serves to provide the pathways that best position us to meet our goals and realize our potential—from curriculum to community, 设施拨款, 从人到过程, 从沟通到合作.


经过一年多的战略规划, 我们很高兴与大家分享我们未来五年的发展方向. The planning process challenged trustees and administrators to think creatively about the world today’s preschoolers will face when they graduate.

The process also compelled us to dig deeper into our past and present to clarify where we now stand. 你们中的许多人——超过100名校友, 父母, 学生, 教师, and other community members—also helped the school name its core strengths and purpose, those tenets which we should take with us as we move into the next several years.

另外, we engaged the consulting services of Independent School Management to help us marry our strategic and financial plans such that they are sustainable and take advantage of best practices. 感谢所有参与的人. 你帮助学校找到了前进的道路.

在制度层面上, trailblazing means continuing the school’s long tradition of innovation while cultivating our natural and financial resources and our people. 在更个人化和程序化的层面上, it means providing both the safety and challenge needed to support all learners as they take risks and find their own paths. 你可以期待看到更多对领导力发展的关注, 大学咨询, 教师发展, 家长教育.

You may also see the school strengthening connections across grades within our student body, 邀请更多家长参与学校活动, 与本地区工商界建立新的联系, 扩大校园, 帮助学生走出校门.

甚至在描述中, you will notice a strategy of inclusion to strengthen ties and promote access to ideas and educational resources in our community. The plan is an ambitious one that gives the 校董会 and administrators many avenues to choose from over the next five years; the school will not follow every offshoot of the plan in the foreseeable future.

What remains consistent and paramount across all of these options is our commitment to helping learners explore their fullest potentials by granting them access to a broader scope of resources. 我们在这里为您提供的是风景, a high point clear from the underbrush where you can see much of the path behind us as well as the road ahead.

这是我们未来五年的路线图, 以及更新的使命宣言和指导原则.
它不仅反映了董事会和管理层的想法, 但是教职员工, 学生, 父母, 校友们也一样. 没有你,我们不可能走到今天. 请享受这个战略方向. 我们期待着在接下来的比赛中见到你.


林恩D. Casto



  • 社区连接

    Solidify our commitment to diversity, 股本, 和包容 as community standards.
    1. Examine our systems, processes, and curriculum to ensure 股本 和包容.
    2. Hire a 多样性、公平和包容 Coordinator to shepherd our current work and future growth.
    3. Refine hiring practices so that our employee community reflects the diversity of our 学生 and families.
    1. 培养同辈家庭关系和与学校的联系.
    2. 加强家长教育.
    3. 比赛的学生, 父母, 教师, 和校友通过mg冰球突破试玩进行更深层次的培养, 一生的关系.
  • 学术机遇与创新

    1. 强调学习是一个过程,而不是一个固定的目的地.
      • Develop a system that allows 学生 to demonstrate their level of understanding in each component of the revised mg冰球突破试玩毕业生的肖像.
      • Moving toward mastery: clearly define course skills and competencies such that 学生 may demonstrate their understanding of course concepts along a continuum of growth.
    2. 让世界成为我们的教室,让我们的教室走向世界.
      • Students conduct research and demonstrate their learning by solving real-world problems. 创造机会让学生参与相关的, 通过在当地建立社区伙伴关系来学习现实世界, 在全国范围内, 在全球范围内,将学习延伸到校园之外.
      • 扩展我们的森林学校启发项目和户外教育.
    1. 开辟个人道路.
      • Increase the number of interdisciplinary courses that allow 学生 to explore interests while also receiving academic credit.
      • Enhance the independent study and passion project programs such that all 学生 have the opportunity to explore their interests and passions and share their experiences.
    2. 创造你的成功愿景.
      • Develop a more robust 大学咨询 program that focuses on building relationships with 学生 and their 父母 early in the academic journey.
    1. 增强我们的社区归属感.
      • 在全校范围内实施恢复性实践, emphasizing each individual’s responsibility to create a healthy community.
      • Innovate our Advisory Program to include explicit lessons on social-emotional learning, including an emphasis on identities that allow 学生 to develop a deep understanding of diversity, 股本, 和包容.
      • Provide opportunities for 学生 to enhance school spirit and build student programs and relationships across divisions.
      • 增加服务学习机会.
    2. 学会领导.
      • 拓展学生领导能力项目,提高学生沟通技巧, 展现积极影响, 培养情商, 培养与他人的健康关系.
  • 卓越的组织


    1. 培养有竞争力的师资队伍, 工作人员, and administrative salary and compensation philosophy and policy to recruit, 保留, 奖励优秀员工, 使mvcd成为优秀员工的首选.
    2. 加强我们世界一流、创新、以学生为中心的教师文化.
      • 增加专业发展经费.
      • Cultivate an environment of professional learning to support 教师 and 学生.
    3. 延续以战略为导向的董事会文化, 财务稳健, 任务集中, 和慈善.
  • 面向明天的建筑

    对财务可持续性要有意识和战略性, 特别致力于增加学费以外的其他领域的收入.
    1. 实施五年战略财务规划.
    2. 到2030年将捐赠额增加到2000万美元.
    3. 建立有计划的捐赠, 重要的礼物, 并在维持年度捐赠的同时资助写作项目.
    4. 定期检查和更新设施总体规划.
      • Upgrade our technological capabilities to expand our program reach both stateside and worldwide.
      • Prioritize space and facility renovations to optimize and enhance our academic, 艺术, 还有运动项目.


  • 你的教育之旅从今天开始

mg冰球突破试玩是唯一一所经过prek -12年级认证的学校, 男女合校, 以及俄亥俄州西北部和密歇根州东南部的独立学校.
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